Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully. By accessing, you hereby agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions that are stated on this page. Please note that these are subject to change and we will post any amendments or revisions on this website only. Please discontinue accessing this website if you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions.

Information on Trading Guards

The information that can be found on this website is not guaranteed to be the always complete, accurate and current. We hold no assurance on the correctness or consistency of the materials that can be found on this website as well as the other websites which our website is linked to. We do not hold any responsibility for any kind of damages or losses that may result from the reliance on the information that is contained in this website and an all of its services.

Usage and Access of the Trading Guards

You shall be responsible for the way you access our website and use any of our services. This includes the usage of your device, the networking device and all network connection.

You agree that we are not accountable for any possible damages to your devices that may result from disruptions in internet connection, system failures and any other equipment malfunctions including corruption of files and other data.

You agree that there are risks in providing your personal details and accessing our website including our services on any of your devices.

You agree that you have the responsibility to pay for any charges that you may incur from accessing our website.

Copyrights and Trademarks holds all the copyrights and trademarks to the logos and to the contents of this website. Any photos that you can find on this website belong to us or any of our affiliates.

You agree that you will not remove the copyright notices that are protected by the intellectual property rights from any materials that can be found on this website.

You agree that you will not to redistribute or reproduce any of the copyright-protected materials that can be found on this website without any prior written consent from us or the legal holder of such right.

Legal Restrictions

You understand that there are different laws and regulations regarding financial contracts on every country and that it is your responsibility to make sure that you are abiding with the applicable laws that are enforced in your country of jurisdiction.

You also understand that even though you will be able to access our website, it doesn't essentially mean that it is legal to trading on financial contracts in your country.

Limited Personal License

We hereby give you a limited personal license to access this website and this license is non-transferable, non-exclusive and is provisional to your agreement with the Terms and Conditions stated on this page.

You agree that you will not abuse our electronic communication features for making illegal and abusive undertakings including the invasion of another person's privacy.

You agree that you will not copy any material that can be found on this website to make profits. You also agree that in any way, you will not make any deep links to our website or any similar intentions without any written consent from us.

You agree that we hold the right to block you from accessing our website and use any of our services even without any prior notice.

You agree that we have the right to terminate this personal license if it has been proven that you provided us with fabricated personal details or if you have made any violations with our Terms and Conditions.

Links to Third Party Websites has links to third party websites which you can use as your reference but this doesn't necessarily mean that we endorse their business and the contents of their website which we have a link on our end.

You agree that we hold no responsibility for any reliance on any of the content of these third party websites.

You agree that you will be supply correct personal details in any of the transactions that may happen with the use of the services of these third party websites.

You agree that you will not hold us liable any for possible financial damages or losses that you may incur from making such transactions.

Technical Problems holds no guarantee that our website will not experience disruptions or any technical issues.

You agree that there is a possibility that you might not be able to view our website and use our services at a specific place or time that you prefer.

You agree that interruptions, delays and other technical issues may still happen even if the Internet is usually reliable.

You agree that you will not hold us or any of our staffs including our service providers liable for any technical problems that may result from the use our website. This includes equipment defects, system capacity issues, system failures, communication line failures, security breaches and other related issues.